School, Politics and Religion
08 November 2006
We started school at 8:27am and were done by 10! We don't normally start until around 10-10:30. But, it was SOOO nice. I was able to accomplish a lot today, which was a great feeling. I tackled the garage, which was desperately needed. I had planned on waiting for Steve to help me, but since I couldn't mow the lawn because we were completely out of gas and Eliana was sleeping, and therefore couldn't go to the gas station, I worked in the garage. It was a nice surprise for Steve when he pulled into the garage. But don't worry, there is more to do on his honey do list. And I'm thinking of ways to increase it since he informed me last night that he will be gone ALL day (starting at 4am) on Saturday to go hunting.I also got a phone call, totally out of the blue. A friend of mine gave my phone number to someone with a 6 day old baby girl who was haivng problems with nursing. Since I helped her out when her baby was born, she wanted me to help this girl. Even with all the training I've had as a breastfeeding counselor, plus my own personal years of experience breastfeeding, sometimes I think that I may not be able to help someone out. After talking to my friend tonight and learning more about this girl and her personality, it helped me realize why I may have not gotten through to her. We'll see. I told her to call me anytime if she has any problems.
I took the kiddos with me to the voting booth yesterday. Christian watched me darken in all the circles and asked questions about what I was doing. He did ask me why I wasn't voting for President Bush. So, had to explain all that to him. I'm glad he knows who our President is and that we get to choose who is our President. I know at 6 years old I was never taken to the polls. As a matter of fact, 2 years ago, when I was 28, Christian was only 4 and Zachary was only 2, it was all of our first times to the polls!
I met our new pastor tonight. He seemed very nice. Also my friend Tracie who is now the children's pastor gave me a part of every Sunday service to prepare. I feel important back there again. I'm her right hand woman and I'm going to be doing a lot of the same things that I did when Rob was here. I'm excited and looking forward to it again, but it makes me miss Rob too! But, we'll be seeing them at Christmas and I CAN'T WAIT!!!