Childhood crush

06 November 2006
My son has his first official "crush". It's his girlfriend, if you ask him. She's a few months older than him and just a doll.

Well, he decided to make her something, which turned into quite a few pages, aka a book! Last night at church, while I was talking to her mom, he gave his "girlfriend" the book. Both of us turned our heads so they couldn't see us laughing. She was very sweet, sat down and read it over and over again. She thanked him for it and then her mom said that she'll have to make something for him.

Her dad said to Christian, "let's go outside and talk about this. It's going to take a lot more than paper and crayon to win my daughter". We all got a great laugh out of it. Christian is typically a very shy and bashful child, but he stood there with her dad and held his ground! I was so proud of him.

Her mom asked Christian if he wanted a picture of her and he said yes. So, he got her school picture and carried it around like it was a prize!

This morning found him sitting at the table, writing more to her. I hope he doesn't scare her off!

I still remember my first "boyfriend". He brought me a box of chocolates with a card for valentines day. He put it on my front porch, rang the doorbell and ran around the corner. I loved it!

I just hope that no matter what happens between Christian and his girlfriend, they'll be friends, just like me and my first "boyfriend".
2:11 PM :: ::
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