Save Money!
19 October 2006
I love coupons!My mom really loves coupons!
That's probably why I like them. While growing up, we had a huge bag of coupons for groceries and before my mom would go shopping, she would bring out all the coupons and have them spread all over the floor, putting them in piles and picking out the ones that she would need. I'm sure she saved thousands of dollars doing that. And now, when she gets her newspapers, she takes them apart and all the coupons that she wants, goes in one pile, the comics in another and the rest of the paper in a separate pile.
Well, in today's world we have this wonderful thing called the internet. And you know what that means, "e-coupons". No more having to cut coupons and find a place to keep them and hope you don't forget about them.
So, I'll be heading over to Target and JoAnn and using their coupon codes!
So, hurry over and check them out! Take advantage of getting what you need/want and saving some money in the process!