
20 September 2006
My daughter constantly makes us laugh. Last night was no exception. We skipped bedtime last night and stayed up playing Skip-Bo while waiting for daddy to get home. We got done right as Steve pulled in--good timing! The boys got to show daddy what they got during the day and then he was able to put them to bed.

After the boys were successfully in bed, Eliana found a balloon and was crawling around the floor "talking" into the balloon. Steve has done that to her one time, a couple months ago. But, here she was, crawling around, chasing after the balloon and talking into it. She was in her own little world.

And then, she came to me, was standing holding onto my leg and then just let go and took 2 steps! I have yet to get her taking steps on film, but as soon as I do, I'll share.
She also was sitting on the floor, looking at Steve and "talking". They held a conversation, not really understandable, except on Steve's end. The boys babbled and made all kinds of sounds and stuff, but she is actually trying to talk. She is already saying a couple things that I didn't think I'd hear out of my 9 month old's mouth.

So, for my friends with girls, is this normal?

I guess I should have expected this since my boys talk to her constantly, even when I want quiet. I have asked them to be quiet, they keep talking so I ask what part of be quiet do you not understand and Steve will say "the q, u, i, e, and t". One day, Chrsitian will be saying that to me!

(Meghan, I can't wait to see Avery & Ellie together! I know Avery has to be talking like her momma (LOL), so it will be interesting to see how 2, one and half year olds talk!)
7:04 AM :: ::
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