Birthday's galore

06 September 2006
We spent the weekend at my parents house. My nephew turned 1 on Saturday so we went to celebrate with him. I took (literally) hundreds of pictures. I'm working on making him a book. While I was there, my sister asked me to scan and make copies of her pictures and now I get to photoshop her wedding pictures!!

Steve's birthday was yesterday and since he had to work and go to school, I threw him a surprise party on Monday. What I would do without Sheila, I hate to think of that!!! The party was over at Chris and Sheila's and they were awesome! I really should say that she threw the party. I just bought the food and picked up the all chocolate ice-cream cake (YUMMY!). She did everything else. Steve had no clue about any of it. He just thought he was going to hang out with Chris for a while since he was getting ready to be consumed with school and won't have much time for socializing.

Zachary's birthday is up next and he'll be 4. 2 days later is my brother's birthday and then 6 days later I'll be the big 3-oh!!! It'll be a nice quiet evening at home since Steve will not have school that night. Hopefully he wont' have much homework either.

I have pictures to share, but not the time to upload them. I might just have to jump on the bandwagon and get a flickr account.
7:54 AM :: ::
  • Yeah I'm thinking flickr acct = good idea.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:51 PM  
  • Happy Late Birthday Steve. Definitely get on with your flickr self!

    Uh, and wait, isn't your bday coming up soon too?

    By Blogger Land family, at 11:46 PM  
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