All about the Princess

08 September 2006
So, the day got better. After lunch, everything seemed to mellow out. I'm sure a lot of my problem is the fact I'm still so tired from my weekend in Oklahoma and the major lack of sleep that has been going on for the last week!

After lunch, the boys and I took apart their bunk bed. It was much easier to take down then it was for Steve, Josh and I to make it a few years ago. Tomorrow, the new bed will takes its place in its new room. Also, this is the beginning of "Operation Camouflage". No details now, but pictures will be uploaded during the process.

And today, Eliana took another step to me, but this time with much more confidence then the first time she did (or the few other times she's taken them with Steve). I must admit that I still would love to keep my baby a baby, but I was excited to see this change in her. This picture is of her standing in the middle of the living room floor. She loves being on her feet! A few other pictures have been uploaded on flickr. One of them has a really good shot of her first tooth and the 2nd one that has just broken through! Hopefully this time it will stay out instead of the gums swelling back over it like last time.

Also, her word of the day...UH-OH. SOOOOOO stinking cute!
6:17 PM :: ::
  • That's a really precious picture of her! I can't believe she has TEETH already! How is that possible?!?

    Be careful-Lulu was walking super early too and she fell all the time. She started running, not walking!

    By Blogger Land family, at 10:55 PM  
  • Funny you mention running. I had a dream that Eliana just up and ran one day. Scary thought!!!

    C was walking before 9 months and Z was 9 months when he started walking. So, this is no shock to me that she's taking steps now (and actually took her first step over a month ago!)

    By Blogger RFamily, at 8:14 AM  
  • Hey Steph!! Thanks for the B-Day wishes!! I swear they come faster and faster!!
    WOOHOO Elaina!! Christopher cut his first bottom tooth last week and the top one this week now he has slits on both sides of those and his gums are swollen bad, so I think its safe to say we are gonna have 2 more by next week, but I must say he's done really good with them he's been a little uncomfortable. He is crawling EVERYWHERE!!! And now he's pulling up, Chris brought his plate in and sat down at the coffee table, Christopher apperently smelled the food and it was so cute, he whipped his head around and crawled realllllllly fast over the the side of the coffee table reached up and pulled up and just stood there looking at him with his cocked to the side, I said Chris he looks like a little puppy!!***sigh*** they grow so fast... (Oh to comment just hit "other" instead of "blogger" put your name and web page and it will commment, I have to for yours)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:27 AM  
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