11 August 2006
Getting up at 6am is KICKING MY BUTT. I'm a night person, so I can't get myself to go to bed at a decent time so that by 6am, I've had the amount of sleep my body needs. I'm the type of person that NEEDS her sleep. But, I did manage to get up 3 out of the 5 days and make hubby breakfast. Hopefully I can sleep-in tomorrow morning, especially since Steve has a lot of homework that needs to be done by Tuesday!Tuesday is his last night of school until the end of August. I'm looking forward to this break. When school starts back up, it's going to be even worse then his summer session. He'll be taking 4 classes and the kiddos will get to see him Sunday and then not again until Wednesday night and then not again until Friday night and Saturday is going to be our family time. We are going to NEED that time.
On Monday, I finally found a left handed golf set cheaper than anywhere else. So, I bought them. They charged me for it and then I get an email saying that the order was cancelled. I'm thinking, "you know what is going to hit the fan now!" I emailed them and called them but they weren't open yet. I sent the info to Steve who called them from work and he was able to get through. Well, they had run out of the set I ordered and instead of backordering it (and telling us about it), it was cancelled. So, for the trouble, they upgraded the set to a better set (the putter and the bag are better) and said it would be here Tuesday or Wednesday, next week. Well, last night I got an email saying that it was shipped, get this...NEXT DAY AIR!!! That's right, it'll be here sometime today. With shipping and the upgrade, this would have cost us over $200 and we're getting it all for only $54!!! Oh, and Christian has no clue that I found him a set!
Also, Monday was Christian's first day of 1st grade. He's doing very well, except he hates when I tell him to write something! After we were done with the "formal" part of school, the boys were sitting at the table drawing and coloring and Christian brings me his drawing and a blank piece of paper and asked me to write what he says. So, he starts out by saying "the title is 'The Castle'". I immediately realize, I'm writing his story down for him. So, I wrote it down and it wasn't until the next morning when I realized, hey, this counts for composition. Alright Christian. He works so much better when it's something he wants to do. That's what is called as "unschooling" and I may have to incorporate that more into my style of homeschooling.
On the 24th, we start with our area homeschool group. Christian will be fine, but I'm not sure how Zachary will do. Good thing is he can stay with me wherever I go. We're supposed to work 2 hours of the 3 in some type of capacity. For some reason, I only have to work the nursery 2nd hour, even though my daughter will not be in there unless I'm in there. I'll probably stay in the nursery for 3rd hour with my friend. After all, she has Eliana's boyfriend. :)
I also got to talk to (aside from my husband) my very best friend in the whole world. He just got back from Iraq a few weeks ago and right now his dad and (dad's) wife are over visiting so I didn't get to talk to him too long. But he's home and he's safe! He's home at his base in England, but he won't be home home until 2009 :(. Unfortunately, he has to go back in January. I can't stand that! So, SKV, welcome home!! Give dad a kiss for me before he goes home tomorrow! hehehe. Love ya!
For some recent pics...
Yesterday the boys were playing music from their leap pad and this is Christian and Eliana dancing. She LOVES music and if someone isn't holding her and dancing, she'll stand at the couch (or where ever she happens to be at the time) and dance. So cute!

During school, Buttons (the cat) wanted to be all over the books. Christian picked her up and she curled up on his chest and went to sleep, purring so loud! That is her boy and she is absolutely crazy about him. I've never seen a cat act the way she does with him!

And also during school, I looked behind me and Eliana was lying on the floor with her head on Bear, but by the time I got the camera she had moved slightly.

A lady from church gave me a couple tupperware sippy cups that she won, but doesn't have any use for and she told Zachary that because she was giving sissy something, she had to give him something too. This is that "something". A frisbee. As you can see, he wasn't allowed to throw it in my house (I know, I'm mean like that), so he found other uses for it. This was one of them. Oh, and it did get thrown once. Had to see how it worked!

This pic is from Tuesday night. The boys were riding in the cul de sac and decided it was too hot for a shirt, so off it came. EXTREMELY uncharacterstic for my boys, especially Zachary!

So, all in all, a great week. I'm very blessed!