21 August 2006
I got great news yesterday! I was talking to a friend at church yesterday and she informed me that her daughter is coming home. MY FRIEND IS COMING HOME!!! I told her that if I wasn't in heals and a skirt I would have skipped down the hall. You know, I may have done it just in the skirt. Anyway, she'll be back at the beginning of September and I can't wait. Unfortunately, her first Sunday back and I'll be gone. That's ok, cause she's moving home!!! I tried calling her yesterday but we ended up playing phone tag and she' now it. LOLA conversation between the boys and me.
Z: She (Eliana) smiled at me
Me: she always smiles.
Z: did she smile when she was born?
Me: she did
Z: she was naked when she was born
Me: all babye's are born naked. there aren't any clothes in mommy's tummy. You were born naked too. And Christian. And Mommy. And Daddy.
C: even strangers.
Z: even strangers?
Me: yes, everybody.
C: even zebras.
Me: that's different. They don't wear clothes. They just have hair.
C: You can tell it's a boy; their penis hangs down.
Cue the mouth open, jaw hit the floor look. What in the world make them think of things like that?
Me: Yes, you are correct. Eat your dinner.
Busy week ahead for me. Wednesday night is our annual Missionettes/Royal Rangers promotion service and I as the Miss. coordinator have to take to the stage. I'm not as nervous as I normally am though. This past year has given me many opportunities to be on stage to help combat my MAJOR scare of an audience looking at me. I can get on stage with the kids and bounce around and sing, no problem. Put me out their in front of hundreds of adults and you might as well forget about me making any sense. But this time, I'm not going to be doing most of the talking. That's up to the teachers.
On Thursday is our first day of the homeschooling coop for this semester. Looking forward to getting together with other homeschooling moms and children and hopefully mine will make some friends their ages. It helps that I already have a friend that goes and I've talked to a few people who head up some of the departments, so in a way I feel like I already have been there.
And then on Friday, we're getting together with a friend so the boys can play. This will be a nice and welcome break. I did get a break last Friday when Steve took both the boys to work with him for the day. They had a great time and it allowed me to get some things done. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to (darn internet), but I did accomplish some things without them underfoot.
And since it's Monday, I need to get ready before the kiddos start waking up cause we have school today.
7:31 AM :: ::
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RFamily :: permalink
Okay, so it sounds like you are crazy busy... somewhere in there try and make time for a good soak in the tub (if that is your thing), or perhaps a cup of tea in the evening. See you soon!
By Seriousness Gone, at 1:13 PM -
Meghan, that's still 8 months away! But definitely looking forward to you being back, even if it is for a short time! And yes, I will enjoy a good soak in the tub, maybe with some tea.
By RFamily, at 2:45 PM -
Glad you will find some "you" time. After being here for so long, 8 months seems like a drop in the bucket. Besides, with little ones growing and changing daily... eight months comes and goes!
By Seriousness Gone, at 4:07 PM
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