Just a few pics that I promised

09 June 2006
Here's just a few of the many pictures I've taken over the last couple weeks. The one of Zachary is at the baseball game the other night. He said to me, in this position. take a picture of me. So here it is.

The ones of Eliana are at practice last week. She sat in the grass for the longest time.

And now for my little baseball player...He's so fast around the bases! He's missing the game tonight cause he chose to go to Pow-wow. So, his next game is next Friday. Here's a picture of him leaving 2nd base, one of him playing around short stop and the other is of him before his first game in is uniform. And yes, he is a south paw!

This is the newest addition to our family. My friend says we're going to have a zoo here. I hope she's right...I love having animals. But, as a homeschooling family, this is science! This little guy (or gal, have no idea what its gender is) is Mr. Mantis. I caught this baby praying mantis on Saturday when I was burying our electric fence. What a find this was! We've seen them grown up, but never as a baby. So, I bought a jar, added some sticks, ants, a little spider and made him a new home on my kitchen counter. I've since added a bunch more ants, another little spider and last night, a moth. The moth is still there. I had visions of him eating Mr. Mantis last night and if I woke up to a dead mantis, I was feeding the moth to one of the cats! How's that for revenge? LOL

8:27 AM :: ::
  • How are you still getting away with overalls, do you have to help when it comes bathroom time, he looks so grown up. I can't believe the how much bigger Eliana looks from the last picture you posted. And of course love the baseball pics.

    He he, so at least if you do get a zoo you will never have to make a field trip to one.

    By Blogger Just Me, at 1:19 PM  
  • ROTFL...never thought of it that way!

    Most of the time he'll do the overalls himself. If he has to go really bad and is in a hurry, one of us will help him.

    Maybe cause she's sitting all by herself, no propping, no help???

    By Blogger RFamily, at 1:26 PM  
  • That could be it.

    By Blogger Just Me, at 1:55 PM  
  • Isnt ball so much fun! Ive been trying to get Kayla to do something she got bored with dance, now she is actually talking bout Soccer UGHGG I hate it, but if it will get her into something than so be it Ill take it!

    By Blogger Mommy, at 6:43 AM  
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