12 March 2006
Eliana is 3 months old today. Guess she was a little hungry...LOL

Christian and Zachary actually had me do their hair this morning. Whenever they go to the barber, they get it cut in a flat top. Normally, they don't want it to stand up, especially if they're going to be around people, like church. So, they let me do it and they look soooooooooooooooooo cute! Unfortunately, you'll have to take my word for it cause they won't let me take a picture. Someday, I'll sneak it on them.
My husband is on the phone talking to his mom and he had the nerve to tell her that if it came down to the vet putting my dog to sleep (if it ever had to happen) or him doing it, he'd do it. Just to let ya'll know, it's going to be a lonely night on the couch for my husband tonight.
3:53 PM ::
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RFamily :: permalink

I am so loving what you did to your blog. How did you do that? I've been looking forever for away to put pics up there.
By Heather Noel, at 5:46 PM -
A great webmaster husband did it for me. He used one of my picture programs, but that's all I know.
By RFamily, at 9:53 PM
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