Here we go again...
It was a gorgeous day outside, so we played outside ALL day. Here are a couple of super cute pictures! I promise I did not set them up like this, but it did end up working out perfectly for me.

Yesterday morning I took the kids out to the studio where we had their Easter pictures taken. Initially I wasn't going to get all 3 done and was going to wait until next month but Susan, my photographer friend, said that she won't have the bunnies after Easter. So, I got the boys their suits, Eliana her dress, piled in the car and headed out to the studio. All of them were great, but that's no surprise. My kids are used to cameras in their face, whether it be mine or a professionals. She took some of the 3 of them and 2 different poses of Eliana by herself while the boys played with the bunnies. Good times! Here is a picture of the 3 of them together and one of Eliana. The third pose I'm not going to put on here because there's well... some sick people out there and I don't want my baby to show up on a certain search. I will tell you that it's so freakin' cute!!! Bunny ears, tail and some cute baby cheeks!

Last night we had a dinner to go to and Susan was so quick in getting the proofs done that she handed them to me when I walked in the door last night. Everyone loved the pictures. Let me rephrase that...the women loved the pictures, the men thought I was raising, well, let's just say that's why you're not going to get to see the bunny picture. Dinner was pretty good, the speaking was rather, ummmm, uninteresting and the best part (besides getting my pictures already) was the free baked potatoes I got to bring home. Lunch for me for a couple days.
Oh yah, while I was at the studio, I got free wallets for helping with the church directory last week. This is the picture that is going in our church directory.

This morning we were out the door before 9:30 to pick up our new family member. He's such a sweet dog. He's been very hesitant and been kinda spookin' easily, but I figured that he's been through so many changes in the last week 1/2 or so he doesn't know what's going on. He'll need a couple weeks to really adjust and get used to us. Peaches has loved the idea of having someone to play with. Bear has taken a liking to Buttons, who right now cause her paws are sore, could care less about the dog. Bear also LOVES chasing the boys around the yard. He's been very good his first day in his new home. He's going to make a wonderful addition to the, if he'll just leave the baby toys alone!

Tomorrow Steve heads to Springfield without us. He will taking his GRE (basically like a SAT) so that he can start his Masters program in May. And the rest of us, we'll be doing what we do everyday when he's not here....whatever comes along and we feel like doing. More than likely, there will be a lot of playing with our dogs and enjoying the beautiful weather!

I just have a quick second, but I wanted to say AWSOME pictures, YOU LOOK GREAT, as does everyone else and you have a handsome new "son." Congrats!!
By Seriousness Gone, at 7:12 PM -
Morgen says Bear is coming to visit her so he can give her kisses because they tickle her.
By Just Me, at 7:45 AM -
Love the pictures. All 3 of them are getting so big. And Bear is a cutie!!
By Heather Noel, at 8:05 AM -
Great Pics!! Im so pathetic I havent had any done yet I have HUNDREDS from around the house that I took.
By Mommy, at 9:19 AM
So what did you do for your weight loss? ive lost 30lbs but believe it or not I still got like 45-50 to go, I went to the store the other day and bought 2pr of pants to last untill I get back down some and I thought I would die! I came home and just cried, I was told yesterday that its coming off real fast but I dont believe it! lol
O well talk later! -
Great family picture! And the one of the dog is hysterical. Does she sleep like that???? I can't believe you have a new dog! Why didn't you just take Charlie if you wanted another?????
By Land family, at 12:35 AM -
Thanks Jen. Peaches will lay like that for awhile, but she doesn't actually sleep like that. As for Bear (yep, another one *LOL*) I couldn't leave him at the humane society. *grin* As for Charlie, I'll let you deal with him. Besides, I'm a big dog person.
By RFamily, at 4:14 PM
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