General Updating
09 March 2006
Not much has happened since I last posted. We've been staying really busy. I'm preparing for a Mother-Daughter Tea in May and I'm on the committee for Vacation Bible School which we're heavily planning for now. So, I don't have much free time now, not that there really was before. My parents came up over the weekend for Eliana's dedication at church. My sister and brother-in-law came up with my nephew as well. I hadn't seen him since he was one month old. He's now 6 months old and 20 pounds! He's a BIG boy. I'm now dog sitting for our friends Yorkshire Terrier. She reminds me of Tia Debbie and Tia Donna's Yorky "Sunshine" in Arizona. I have a very busy weekend ahead...Fort Leonard Wood tomorrow, plus the furniture stores up there; Saturday flooring stores, plus furniture stores; Sunday we're going to a Baptist church to present our Royal Rangers and Missionettes program to them and then next Saturday we'll be in St. Louis! We're going to see Disney on ice. Can't wait!Here's the pictures I know you were wanting to see...
Here's Eliana looking at Grandpa at church.

Eliana looking at Nana (I love the grin!)

Eliana in the dress that Nana made for her, and the headband, and the blanket she's on. The blanket is some ribbons and lace that my mom bought in London and used in my wedding, 10 years ago! Part of the dress is made from material that my mom used when she made my sister's wedding dress, last year. Poor thing couldn't stay up because of the material. She kept sliding.

Eliana and her awesome big brother.

Eliana and both of her big brothers.

Such a beautiful baby!

Eliana sitting in the bean bag chair.

The 3 boys, Christian, Zachary & Brayden. On the right is my dog Peaches and on the left is her niece, my parents dog, Rosie.

One of the outfits that I couldn't wait for her to fit in. It's a pink jean jacket and jeans outfit with white tennis shoes with pink gems on the sides.

1:14 PM ::
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Oh my gosh, what wonderful pictures. I can't believe how big everyone is getting. Love the up close picuture in her dedication dress, that look professional. Pink outfit way tooo cute. Thanks for the update.
By Just Me, at 1:56 PM -
Everyone looks great/adorable/handsome/pretty!!! Sounds like you are keeping pretty busy, unfortunately that means Eliana is gonna' grow up even faster. That's the problem I am having. I am hoping the time goes by REALLY quickly so my husband comes home, but then Avery will be walking and talking before I know it! EH the dilema of it all! Thanks for sharing the great pictures!
By Seriousness Gone, at 1:14 AM
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