Busy weekend
20 March 2006
Well, as I posted a week or so ago, we went to St. Louis and saw Disney on Ice with the Incredibles. It was a really good show and the boys enjoed themselves, which was what it was all about. We had awesome seats! Dead center about 10 rows up. We saw EVERYTHING, even when people weren't moving their lips although they were "talking". I got a couple pictures, but bonehead me forgot the card that goes in my camera. This was Eliana's first long car trip and she did great! I'm not surprised, but it sure did make for nice traveling.Eliana slept in her crib for the first time last night. She's been their for naps, but was the first night. I put her down aroudn 10, went to bed and got up and checked on her around 10:30. And although she's been sleeping through the night, she woke up at 3 something and then I put her in the bassinet cause I was too tired and cold to walk back to her room. We'll eventually get her there for good.
Friday we got our very first bedroom set. Been married 10 years and never had a bedroom set. Now we do and I LOVE it! We also got 2 new couches. Soon we'll be pulling up the carpet and laying down the flooring we have picked out. When everything is said and done I'll take pictures. We still have the old couches. We're donating them to tornado victims, so we'll be getting rid of them some time this week with the help of our Pastor's truck.
We're getting our pictures taken for the church directory tonight and then tomorrow and Wednesday, I'm working with her (our photographer).
As for the first day of spring, it feels like winter here. YUK! It's not even supposed to get out of the 30's here. We've had a very mild winter, can't complain at all about the cold. Wasn't very cold. I think we wore heavy jackets 2 times. Last night, I watched the weather and they're calling for snow. Yes, you read that correctly...S-N-O-W!!!! It's late MARCH, why NOW???? Why not back in December or January when I was willing to let the boys go out and play. Now, I want to plant my garden and see my hummingbirds...I DON'T WANT SNOW!!!
Hopefully you'll be enjoying your first day of spring more than I will.
8:45 AM ::
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RFamily :: permalink

Sorry, I don't buy into that global warming crap. I have another belief. Congrats on the job.
By RFamily, at 7:17 AM
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