Another expansion
Well, our family has expanded again. On Saturday we adopted a baby boy. He's actually 1 1/2 years old, but that's still a baby to me. He won't actually get to come to our home until Friday morning. He's having surgery on Thursday and we'll be able to pick him up from the doctor on Friday. His name is "Bear" and he's a BEAUTIFUL Golden Retriever.

And speaking of surgeries, my indoor cats are FINALLY going to be declawed on Wednesday!!! No more scratching the furniture.
Eliana is getting her pictures taken will real bunnies on Thursday. I can't wait to see them. I know the boys aren't going to want to leave. This was her in her dress yesterday.

We signed Christian up for baseball a few weeks ago and I still have not received a phone call from his coach to let us know when and where practices are at. I have not been happy with the way this whole thing has been run. I'm going to be making a phone call.
Zachary doesn't seem too disappointed anymore that he can't play baseball this year. Now he's wanting me to sign him up for basketball. Basketball??? No one in our families play basketball. Baseball is highly encouraged (it was after all my "first love"). The way he's built, I'd let him play football, but I'll be on the sidelines praying the whole time that he doesn't get hurt! Soccer, I'd stomach, but please NO basketball! But, if that's what he REALLY wants to play, then I'll support it.

This week we start our full practices for our Easter play, "Bow the Knee". Steve is the high priest and the kids (yep, all 3 of them) and I are going to be crowd members. I'll be glad when it's over. After that, I have the Mother-Daughter Tea that I'm planning. Once that is over, in June we have Vacation Bible School. I've been put in charge of coming up with how things are going to be decorated, the entire thing! Rob and Tami, I NEED YOU!!! Then I have a short break until our annual missionettes sleepover in September. Will there ever be an end to my madness???

Your really going to enjoy baseball this is our 3rd yr and we love it, my youngest finally took an interest and started this yr in tball, my oldest is in fast pitch (a machine "shoots" the ball at them) but he's telling me that he wants to also try out football im a little spooked but if its what he wants then so be it, as for Kayla we did ballet and tap last yr but something went down with her and she came home and informed us that it was not for her so im considering cheerleading or gymnastics now who knows. ( sorry for the ramble)
By Mommy, at 2:12 AM -
Hey you,
By Seriousness Gone, at 5:11 AM
Why can't Zachary play baseball? Is he too young for the teams? Sammi is trying T-ball this year (she was playing soccer), the boys are sticking with soccer. We signed up in the middle of Feb. and they STILL don't have the teams formed, I am expecting a call soon though. Good luck with that (oh and basketball is my least fav as well... no maybe hockey). -
Meghan, they have to be 4 at the end of April in order to play this year. He was so heartbroken when I told him that he was too young.
By RFamily, at 9:01 AM
Becca, no need to apologize. I'm looking forward to ball! I started when I was 3, played all the way through high school and then coached. It was my first love and I'm glad to see one of my kids starting in it! -
Beautiful dog. The whole ball thing was just being discussed at Morgen's dance class on Saturday too funny. sounds like you are pretty busy, slow down, breath. Love the dress you have on Eliana.
By Just Me, at 5:26 PM -
oh by the way, even though he is a beautiful dog, I think you are KAAARRRRAAAAZEEEE!!!! lol.
By Just Me, at 5:27 PM -
You've known me HOW long and you're just now coming to that conclusion? LOL
By RFamily, at 9:45 PM
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