
06 February 2006
Before we left for church, we watched the first 10 minutes of the game. After church was over, we weren't going to come home in case the game was still on. We were getting ready to leave when we got invited over to the Associate Pastor's house with a bunch of our friends. Pretty much everyone there was cheering for Pittsburgh, but that was just because they're all Chief fans and of course, they weren't in the game. Steve was the only die hard Steelers fan, with terrible towel and all, at the house. I of course, was cheering for Pittsburgh or I wouldn't have been allowed in the house last night (his words). And all of use (minus Eliana) were all wearing Pittsburgh stuff. Should have taken a picture...

The game didn't start out to good for Pgh. I was starting to lose hope for them, but I kept telling myself that Pgh is a second half team. There was still hope for them. After watching the Rolling Stones and laughing at them and fast forwarding through quite a bit, the game picked up and we started seeing more of what we were expecting to see out of the Steelers.

The Steelers pulled it off winning the game giving Bill Cowher a superbowl win and giving Jerome Bettis, a.k.a "The Bus" a win in his hometown and probably his last year of ball. What a great way to end the night.

Good friends, good company, good food (which I couldn't eat), good 2nd half and a win for my husband's favorite football team.

My husband is happy. I'm happy.

Now, time for BASEBALL!!!!!

12:00 PM :: ::
  • Okay, I'll admit it, I am confused about a few things in yourpost. One: you said something like- we weren't going to go home in case the game was still on. Were you avoiding watching the game (not that I saw it)? Two: you mentioned that you couldn't eat the good food. Why? Are you alright? Maybe I am missing something obvious... it is first thing in the morning here and my brain isn't all the way "on."

    By Blogger Seriousness Gone, at 12:16 AM  
  • We couldn't go home until the game was over 'cause we didn't want to catch the end of it. We had to watch from the beginning. The Pastor was able to TiVo it. As for the other...I'll email you.

    By Blogger RFamily, at 9:49 AM  
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