For you Tif

23 February 2006
Since Tif wanted a new post from me, I thought it proper of me to post about Shadow, who once was Tif's kitten. But first a very quick history lesson...

Tif and I graduated together in Holland in 1994 and after all our classmates left back to the states, we were left. We were inseparable. Every where we went, we passed as sisters, some even believed we were twins. Didn't know I had a twin 6 weeks older than me did ya? We even worked at the PX (well, she was at the PXtra, but still the same company). While I was working one day, she got a little tiny black kitten. Boy was she cute! Tif couldn't think of a name for her and told me to think of one. The last time I named an animal, I was around 6 years old! So, I dropped Tif off at work, took her car back to her parents house. I have no idea where mom and dad were, but I was home by myself with this little kitten. Everywhere I went, she went. I took her back to pick up Tif and we waited out in the grass for Tif to close. I walked back and forth, with kitten in on my heels. It was then I decided that she was my little shadow and what better name than Shadow. Long story short, Tif left for the states for a short time, I kept cat, Tif came back, cat stayed with me. So here we are, 10 1/2 years later.

Now Tif, this is for you...
Steve feeds the animals every night after the boys go to bed. Last night, he opened the front door where Shadow's little house and dishes are and we not only had Shadow, but there was also another black cat. Looks just like Shadow except his eyes are a golden yellow and his hair isn't shiny like Shadow. He was sitting in Shadow's house. I'm not sure if they were in there together or not, but neither one of them were meowing at each other or even looking like they were going to fight. We brought Shadow's dish in for her to eat and then she went back out. The cat was still there. I would love to get a picture of them together. I think I'll have my camera ready, just in case.

Here she is 2 weeks ago. She just got done rolling in the some dirt, so she looks a little "dusty".
8:34 AM :: ::
  • I am honored, a whole post about us. And she doesn't look as big as I remember her the last time I saw her, the outside must help her girlish figure. Thanks so much, it means a lot!!!!!!

    By Blogger Just Me, at 9:32 AM  
  • Yes, being ouside has been great fo her girlish figure (and her attitude). he he

    You're welcome

    By Blogger RFamily, at 1:21 PM  
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