Rough morning (actually, started last night)
09 January 2006
After church last night, we had a fundraiser for the Royal Rangers. They stayed at church all day making chilli. They made some money, lots of people ate and I stayed because Steve is a RR commander, so he had to be there with his boys. Well, I forgot that we had both vehicles out there last night because I was NOT staying there all day. I finally remember that I had his Kia, so I go to leave with my friend and her girls. Well, she ended up being parked right next to me, at an angle, and while I was still putting Eliana into the car, she started pulling away and my car door got imbedded into her side. Her teenage foster daughter thought that she hit me, but I was fine. My friend got out of her car, made sure we were alright, checked that the sliding door still opened and the whole time, I'm laughing. What made this so funny, is that about a month and a half ago, Steve backed into their van, while it was parked in our driveway and he hit the other side and we had to get it fixed. Now she's running into our car...So, we got home and I went to bed with a migraine and as usual, there was the residual effects this morning. I didn't sleep well, Steve goes to work and then my cell was ringing about 7:15 this morning. It's Steve informing me that he was in a bad car accident on his way to work. (He drives for about 30 minutes on the highway to get to work.) Well, the Kia is in pretty bad shape but thank GOD Steve is fine. He went under a semi, bounced off the real tires, spun around quite a few times and ended up on the median on the other side. He escaped without a scratch. That's what we call Divine intervention! I called my friend and her husband went and picked him up so that I wouldn't have to pile the kids into the car. Steve thinks that the Kia can't be fixed, but our friend thinks he we'll see.
It's 9:30 and I've had all the excitement I can handle for the day.
9:15 AM :: ::
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Glad to hear you're both okay.
By Heather Noel, at 10:06 AM -
Holly bleep! That sounds VERY scary! Thank G-d Steve's okay! That got my blood pressure up just reading about it. Sorry about the Kia, but really just glad all are healthy and whole.
By Seriousness Gone, at 11:41 AM -
Okay so, one too many "l's" in "holly". I'll just pretend I did that on purpose to make it a funny post.
By Seriousness Gone, at 11:43 AM -
OMG, glad to hear everyone is ok.
By Just Me, at 3:56 PM -
That's REALLY scary! I had a friend whose father was killed by going under a semi. I'm so glad that Steve is okay. I think you need a very calm rest of the week/month!
By Land family, at 4:34 PM
LOVE the picture of your daughter in the dress. :)
PS, is it "eh" or "eee" at the beginning of her name?
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