Productivity...gotta love it!
14 January 2006
The boys room is cleaned (I really should have taken a before and after picture). We're talking HURRICANE. It was so bad that Steve told the boys that I was not going to come in there until they cleaned up their room. Well, being that they're 5 & 3, they still need supervision when it comes to cleaning their room. They did fairly well this morning on their own; enough so that I could walk in there. Then momma got a hold of their room. I brought in 2 huge trash bags to fill. I only filled one, but I did manage to get rid of quite a bit of toys.We also got our new car to replace our Kia. If you haven't read the story, here it is. The Kia is a total, so the insurance is cutting us a check. Steve has been driving a rental, Chevy Malibu, and really liked it. He found a Toyota Camry, 2003, fully loaded, top of the line, but once he test drove it, didn't like it as much as the Malibu. So, we went to a local dealer around here who had a Malibu (2005) and when we went there yesterday, he told us to take it home and bring it back sometime today before he got off of work. We were able to talk him down on the price (allowing us to pocket a little bit of money!) and he let Steve drive off the lot with it. And they won't be getting their money for probably 2 weeks or so. What a deal! The best part of all this is that we still won't have to be making car payments! 2 cars, completely paid for!
I also managed to get a bunch of stuff up into the attic and get the baby toys down. Lots of clothes have been washed and the boys played outside and burned off some energy. Steve and the boys are out driving the new car, gonna take it through the car wash and allowing me a break.
These guys are here. They will "perform" at our church tomorrow night through Wednesday night. The boys are really looking forward to it. My only fear...they're going to try and do what these guys do. Boys will be boys.
Now, I'm off to put my feet up.
8:38 AM :: ::
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By Land family, at 6:39 PM
I can't imagine watching a wrestling thing. Ick! Ick! There's a reason I had only girls. :) I'd be a little concerned about the re-enactments too.
I can't believe Steve got a new car already-that was fast!
My girls need to clean their rooms too. I could probably fill a few bags in Lindsey's room. Ugh!
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