Next Generation Power Force
19 January 2006
The Next Generation Power Force Crusade is done! They were great to watch, but man is it exhausting being at the church 4 nights in a row until 9:30 - 10pm every night. These guys were done well before that, but we were always one of the last ones to leave. You know, the clean up, autographs, talking, etc...stuff that has to be done. :-)Our church can hold around 1000 (legally) between the main floor and balcony of the sanctuary. It may be a tad more. Last night, we had over 1700 hundred people in the church and had to turn a few hundred people away because there was absolutely NO room anywhere. The floor between the pews and the stage were covered, the aisles were covered, and the foyer was covered. Our youth room which can seat about 300 had more than that squeezed in there. That was our overflow room for the night. We had over 500 decisions for Christ which is outstanding for our small town! We had drug dealers there, some hard core criminals, some guys who recently got out of jail (one of them held my daughter and believe me, my heart was racing and me, Steve and our friend Chris were all ready to grab her, just in case...) and there was even a couple demon posessed men. One of them was standing in front of where I was sitting and Chris and Jeff went over and prayed for him. That was an experience!!
I'm putting up a couple action shots and then the team with my kids.
Caesar breaking a stack of bricks with his head
Caesar breaking bricks with his arm while they're on fire
Kevin getting read to break a stack of bricks with both arms at the same time and then Caesar is going to jump 47" and break a stack of bricks
Kevin lifting a telephone pole over 300 pounds
Caesar pressing the telephone pole, laying on Kevin's back while Kevin does push ups. Total weight that Kevin is pushing...over 800 pounds, probably close to 900! Did I mention that Kevin was my favorite team member?
This is Caesar (from Venezuala) with Eliana.
Caesar and Zachary
Caesar and Christian
Kevin and Eliana. He actually held her on Tuesday night. I didn't take my camera with me to the back 'cause I didn't ever think he'd request to hold her. As soon as I walked into the cafe (where they were being fed), he lit up and asked to hold her. He sat there just looking at her and smiling and she sat there and smiled at him (WAY TO PRECIOUS!!!). He even put his nose to her nose. Caesar walked in and there just happened to be a girl with a camera and took a picture of them. I saw her last night and asked her for a copy. Hopefully she'll drop it off with me friend at church so that I can have it! When we were leaving Tuesday night, Kevin told me to bring my camera so that I can take a picture of them together. So last night, I found him as he was talking to someone else and he said "the baby" and walked back to the back and took her. This man is the strongest man on earth (lifting almost 900 pounds) yet is so gentle with the baby.
Kevin and all 3
Kathy and the kids (unfortunately with me) sans Zachary...he got a little too close to her and she's a stranger, so that makes him very uncomfortable.